Untangling Mysteries
Audio Simplified
I have spent a lot of time finding audio solutions for various projects. When something stumped me, I naturally turned to the internet. Unfortunately, an overabundance of information can be just as frustrating as a dearth - often the 20-second answer I needed was buried in a 20-minute video. I produced this series to demonstrate the usefulness of 2-minute resource videos, and 70,000 viewers have verified this proof-of-concept.
Cables, Cables, Cables
Just about anyone who has worked with professional audio systems understands the frustration of having to mix and match various adapters and wondering why there are so many different cable standards. Finding the answer should be simple, but many resources about audio technology delve into extensive theory. In this 4-part series, I offer a very brief overview of the applications and history of TS, XLR, RCA, and Speakon cable standards.
Each video is optimized to direct the YouTube algorithm toward the target market of audio novices, resulting in an 8.8% click-through rate.
Views: 73,252
Impressions: 718,377
Watch Time: 1,193 Hours
Reactions & Comments: 417
Who Has It Helped?
As of October 2023, this proof-of-concept series has accumulated over 73,000 views from people who want to learn more about audio standards. Musicians, entry-level sound technicians, and home audio enthusiasts have watched over 1,193 hours of these 2-minute videos.
TS-TRS-TRRS: 25,449 views
RCA: 39,659 views
XLR: 2,900 views
Speakon: 5,244 views